
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 17, 2006

The Judson Park Association Board Of Directors
Annual Fall Cleanup Of Judson Park
Next Home Owner's Association Board Meeting
Minutes from Board Meeting February 8, 2011
Minutes from Board Meeting - December 7, 2010
Minutes from the Board Meeting - October 19, 2010
Judson Park Subdivision Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2010
March 25, 2010, 6:30PM - City Of Rochester Hills - Homeowner Association Forum
Agenda - October 27, 2009 - City Of Rochester Hills - Fall Homeowner Association Forum
Minutes from March 31, 2009 Association Meeting
Free Firewood for Judson Park Associates Residents
Judson News Letter (Judson's Jive) for May 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for April 8th, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Annual Meeting For 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For April 17, 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For January 15, 2007
Judson Park Association - 2006 - 2007 Fiscal Year
Directory Committee
Welcoming Committee
Fall Park Clean-Up Committee 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For November 15, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For October 12, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 17, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 6, 2006
The Judson Park Association Bi-Laws
The Judson Park Association Building Restictions
The Judson Park Association Building Restrictions Revisions
The Judson Park Association Map
The Judson Park Association History
Judson Park Association Members
Links to our Neighbors' Businesses and/or Services:
The Judson Park Association Pictures
The Judson Park Association Share Page



SEPTEMBER 17, 2006


Kathy Quail, President of the Association, opened the meeting at 2:40 p.m. with a solicitation for sign-ups for the various committees throughout the year.


Tony Caporale, Association Treasurer, presented the yearly budget. There were no questions regarding the budget from the neighbors.


Kathy brought up the large, dead ash tree issue we have at the park, and the fact that we could possibly be charged by the city or the power company for any damages if it goes down (it is very close to the power lines). She informed the neighbors that we would be seeking quotes in January to have it removed, which might give us the lowest possible price.


A resident was asking about an updated neighborhood directory. We still have a list of volunteers from last year, and we’ll solicit for help this year, as well. If someone wants to chair this committee and get the ball rolling, it might make a new directory a reality this year or next.


Pat Doherty suggested that we put out the sign-up sheets again for the different committees at Fall Clean-Up, since there weren’t a lot of neighbors in attendance at the annual meeting.


Kathy asked for help regarding block captains for Brewster and Adams roads. There were no new volunteers.


Pat Doherty brought up how low the wires were overhead at the park. Randy Costew said that they were cable and telephone lines, not power lines, We’d be happy to have a resident make a few phone calls and see if these lines are lower than they should be and what can be done about them.


Kathy also wanted to thank our “unsung heroes” who, without being asked, pull weeds in the play structure at the park and replace and repair the split rail fencing. We very much appreciate your help, whoever you are!


Linda Tilt volunteered to be the new Secretary for Judson Park Association. We will continue to ask for a volunteer for the Vice President’s position, since it was not filled.


New neighbors were introduced and the meeting was adjourned.



Respectfully submitted by                   Approved by: