OCTOBER 12, 2006
Quail called the meeting to order at 7:33.
order of business was to officially thank outgoing Secretary Suzette Costew (10 years) and outgoing Vice President, Michelle
Temple (4 years) for their fabulous service to the Judson Park Association
We would
like to welcome new board members:
Jones, Vice President
Tilt, Secretary
news! At the last meeting on September 17th, there was a lot of interest in the various committees. Names of committee
chairs and volunteers will be added to our website http://judsonpark.tripod.com.
As the
first priority, Dennis will get in touch with the Halloween Hoot volunteers to make sure things get organized before the 31st. There was also some discussion around budget concern for the Annual Children’s
Day. Although we haven’t held a Children’s day since 2003 due to
lack of a Committee Chair, we have hope that we will have volunteers for a celebration this summer. It will be up to the committee to look at scope and creative funding.
maintenance day will be coming soon. Dennis will be in touch with the Committee
Leaders to organize.
briefly raised the point that we will need funds for the Ash tree maintenance. More
discussion will be had on that, but tabled until January.
is getting prices for cost of the cages at the light at the park and will provide the estimates to Kathy.
To add
more visibility to the Judson Park Association budget, Dennis will add the yearly budget to the Association website
raised the idea of building a more elaborate clubhouse at the park. A clubhouse (with actual walls) would be a nice place
to have kids’ parties, card games, events, etc. We may have further discussion to explore resident support, discuss
funding and further plans.
raised the idea of making the neighborhood park friendlier for younger children with smaller slides and equipment. More discussion for the future to see if other residents would support fundraising.
Quail closed the meeting at 8:19
join us for the next meeting on November 15 at 7pm at Tony’s house, 1320 Shenandoah.