
Minutes from Board Meeting - December 7, 2010

The Judson Park Association Board Of Directors
Annual Fall Cleanup Of Judson Park
Next Home Owner's Association Board Meeting
Minutes from Board Meeting February 8, 2011
Minutes from Board Meeting - December 7, 2010
Minutes from the Board Meeting - October 19, 2010
Judson Park Subdivision Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2010
March 25, 2010, 6:30PM - City Of Rochester Hills - Homeowner Association Forum
Agenda - October 27, 2009 - City Of Rochester Hills - Fall Homeowner Association Forum
Minutes from March 31, 2009 Association Meeting
Free Firewood for Judson Park Associates Residents
Judson News Letter (Judson's Jive) for May 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for April 8th, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Annual Meeting For 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For April 17, 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For January 15, 2007
Judson Park Association - 2006 - 2007 Fiscal Year
Directory Committee
Welcoming Committee
Fall Park Clean-Up Committee 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For November 15, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For October 12, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 17, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 6, 2006
The Judson Park Association Bi-Laws
The Judson Park Association Building Restictions
The Judson Park Association Building Restrictions Revisions
The Judson Park Association Map
The Judson Park Association History
Judson Park Association Members
Links to our Neighbors' Businesses and/or Services:
The Judson Park Association Pictures
The Judson Park Association Share Page

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by President Kathy Quail.  Those in attendance were Jim Doherty (vice president), Hess Bates (treasurer), Speedy Bates (secretary) and Al Quail.


The minutes from the October 19, 2010 meeting were read and corrections were made. The minutes were approved (with corrections) unanimously. Corrected copy will be e-mailed to Dennis Jones who will place the minutes on the Judson Park Association website.


The Treasurer’s report was read and approved.


Old Business:

  • Kathy asked Hess if he had contacted the 2010 lawn service company regarding our over-payment for cutting the park grass. Hess had contacted them and we have received a refund check.
  • Kathy also asked Hess about the documents which the Association had received from the IRS regarding the Association’s income tax returns for the years of 2008 and 2009. Hess has filled in the appropriate blanks and stated that we are a small homeowners group with no employees and that we pay no wages. The forms were returned to the IRS on November 1, 2010. Hess has not heard from the IRS as of this date.
  • Kathy has contacted Jenny Belanger regarding a subdivision newsletter which can be enclosed with the 2011 dues statements which will be mailed in February. Jenny will provide us with a newsletter.
  • A great big “thank you” also goes to Jim Doherty for organizing the fall park clean up. The clean-up took place on Sunday, November 21 with about 15 residents helping out. Things completed on this date included clearing of leaves, grass was cut, the fire pit was cleaned, downed trees on the path were removed, the lights on the pavilion were fixed and some tables were put into storage in the pavilion. The brush hog which was rented to cut the pond grass was defective. Home Depot was contacted and there was no cost for the rental. Several attempts were made to locate another brush hog, but none was available.

 New Business:

  • Jennifer Belanger would like to once again do the “Santa” visit for children in our subdivision. The tentative date is December 16. Kathy will tell Jennifer to contact Hess regarding any expenses for this event.
  • Kathy and Dennis Jones will be updating our web site soon. Homeowners should feel free to visit the site at www.judsonpark.tripod.com to read minutes from previous meetings as well as viewing the subdivision bylaws and building restrictions.
  • The park is available for members of our Judson Park community to use for events at no cost. If interested in reserving the park for a special date, contact Jim Doherty.
  • We will also need to plan for some park maintenance projects (both large and small) for the spring. The pavilion roof needs to be replaced. Jim will get an idea of the cost to have it contracted out as well as how much it would cost to have subdivision residents replace the roof doing the labor themselves. One thing to consider is insurance liability; we must find out if our subdivision park insurance covers residents who work on the roof or if we need to get special insurance to protect us. The fence in front of the park will need to be repaired and some parts may need to be replaced. The barbeque grill needs to be replaced. Jim will get a price on a grill similar to those used at Stoney Creek Park. The bridge in the woods will need some new railroad ties. The tables need (at a minimum) to be sanded and painted. Some are in need of more extensive repair.
  • There are also many dead ash trees in the park. Some of them are leaning against live trees, and are ready to fall down which represents a danger to residents. Jim will contact a couple of tree services to get quotes to remove the most precarious trees.
  • It was determined that a set schedule for Board meetings might help encourage more residents to attend. Consequently, it was determined that Board meetings would be held the 2nd Tuesday of every other month. The schedule for 2011 is: February 8, April 12, June 14, August 9, October 11 and December 13. All meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. The February 8 meeting will be held at Jim Doherty’s home. His address is 1309 Shenandoah.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.


Minutes submitted by,


Speedy Bates