
Judson Park Association News Letter For January 15, 2007

The Judson Park Association Board Of Directors
Annual Fall Cleanup Of Judson Park
Next Home Owner's Association Board Meeting
Minutes from Board Meeting February 8, 2011
Minutes from Board Meeting - December 7, 2010
Minutes from the Board Meeting - October 19, 2010
Judson Park Subdivision Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2010
March 25, 2010, 6:30PM - City Of Rochester Hills - Homeowner Association Forum
Agenda - October 27, 2009 - City Of Rochester Hills - Fall Homeowner Association Forum
Minutes from March 31, 2009 Association Meeting
Free Firewood for Judson Park Associates Residents
Judson News Letter (Judson's Jive) for May 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for April 8th, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Annual Meeting For 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For April 17, 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For January 15, 2007
Judson Park Association - 2006 - 2007 Fiscal Year
Directory Committee
Welcoming Committee
Fall Park Clean-Up Committee 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For November 15, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For October 12, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 17, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 6, 2006
The Judson Park Association Bi-Laws
The Judson Park Association Building Restictions
The Judson Park Association Building Restrictions Revisions
The Judson Park Association Map
The Judson Park Association History
Judson Park Association Members
Links to our Neighbors' Businesses and/or Services:
The Judson Park Association Pictures
The Judson Park Association Share Page

Kathy Quail called the meeting to order at 7:06pm.


Linda Tilt announced she’s moving out of state so we will need a new Secretary as soon as possible.  We will also need a new chairman for the Playground equipment project.  Interested candidates should contact Dennis at dennisajones@yahoo.com.


Ash Tree update: 

Kathy called Rochester Hills and they do not do Private Maintenance.  Kathy got estimates from two different companies


-   JC Tree Service:  Option #1 is $700 if they cut only and don’t haul away.  Option #2 is $850 if they haul away


-   Father & Son: $950 for the two main Ash trees and other small ones nearby


Additionally, Kathy checked with Edison and they will trim around wires, but won’t remove trees.  So, in the meantime Kathy has asked them to come out but unfortunately, Edison won’t promise when they will come out. The current plan is to see the results of Edison’s trimming and then re-evaluate the need for removing the trees.


The street sign at Potomac and Adams is missing.  Tony will call the city to see about getting it replaced.


Kathy Quail closed the meeting at 7:32pm


Come join us for the next meeting on February 13 at 7pm at Tony’s house 1320 Shenandoah




Respectfully submitted by                       Approved by:


Linda Tilt                                                Kathy Quail