Date: January 22, 2008
The meeting started at 7:00 PM.
The attendees talked about
Mr. Scott Muschong’s great work in trying to get the city involved with stopping the traffic that cuts through the neighborhood
to avoid the lights at Tienken and Adams by either posting no left turns off Adam during rush hours or installing Speed-bumps
to slow the traffic down.
All attendees were reminded to visit
the Association web-site for vital information such as board meeting minutes, and opportunities to volunteer for activities.
Kathy spoke of the fence to the
park that was destroyed by an association member during an auto accident and that the owner of the auto has volunteered to
replace the damaged fence once the weather clears.
Volunteers are needed to help with
Spring Cleanup.
As always, the association
badly needs a secretary to facilitate issuing board meeting minutes, and assisting in coordination of other activities.
There is still a need for a block
captain for Adams Road.
Remember this is your association,
volunteering to help make it better helps not only the association but your home as well.
The next Judson Park Homeowners Association Meeting is scheduled for:
Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Time: 7:00 PM
At Kathy Quail's, 2686 Tallahassee
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Minutes prepared by Dennis Jones
/ Association VP
P.S. Please volunteer to help make
this Association better.
Original on file