
Judson Park Association News Letter For November 15, 2006

The Judson Park Association Board Of Directors
Annual Fall Cleanup Of Judson Park
Next Home Owner's Association Board Meeting
Minutes from Board Meeting February 8, 2011
Minutes from Board Meeting - December 7, 2010
Minutes from the Board Meeting - October 19, 2010
Judson Park Subdivision Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2010
March 25, 2010, 6:30PM - City Of Rochester Hills - Homeowner Association Forum
Agenda - October 27, 2009 - City Of Rochester Hills - Fall Homeowner Association Forum
Minutes from March 31, 2009 Association Meeting
Free Firewood for Judson Park Associates Residents
Judson News Letter (Judson's Jive) for May 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for April 8th, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2008
Judson Park Homeowner's Association Annual Meeting For 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For April 17, 2007
Judson Park Association News Letter For January 15, 2007
Judson Park Association - 2006 - 2007 Fiscal Year
Directory Committee
Welcoming Committee
Fall Park Clean-Up Committee 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For November 15, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For October 12, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 17, 2006
Judson Park Association News Letter For Sept. 6, 2006
The Judson Park Association Bi-Laws
The Judson Park Association Building Restictions
The Judson Park Association Building Restrictions Revisions
The Judson Park Association Map
The Judson Park Association History
Judson Park Association Members
Links to our Neighbors' Businesses and/or Services:
The Judson Park Association Pictures
The Judson Park Association Share Page

Kathy Quail called the meeting to order at 7:16.


The Fall Clean up was a great success.  Thank you to everyone who helped rake leaves, move leaves, crush leaves, toss leaves, jump in leaves, etc.  Yes, there were A LOT of leaves.  Also thank you to the brave folks who played lumberjack and cut down the dead tree in the center of the park.  The turn out was great and the park looks amazing.


Kathy is still planning to get estimates for cutting down additional ash trees over the winter.  That effort will likely begin in January.


Thank you to Randy Costew for replacing the lights at the park around the park building and pond. 


The Board had additional discussions around general improvements to the park.  After the last meeting, Linda did more research in to playscapes for younger children.  There are a number of options ranging from $500-$2000. It is also possible that there might be some used playscapes on EBay.  We will add a donation request to the association dues bill to raise money along with images of the desired equipments.


We will also use the Association Invoice to gather information on local businesses, area babysitters, interest in building a clubhouse, etc.


It was decided that the Association Budget will actually not be posted on our website.  As the website is public, we don’t want outsiders to stumble across it.  If anyone wants a copy of it, please contact one of the board members.


Kathy Quail closed the meeting at 7:46pm


Come join us for the next meeting on January 17 at 7pm at Kathy Quail’s house , 2686 Tallahassee.


Respectfully submitted by                   Approved by: